10x09 Turkey :


Eric: Luce, we've all been so worried how she was going to take this, thinking Ruthie was a little girl, but she's not. She's a young woman.
Lucy: Dad, she's a teenager.

Ruthie: I just found out last night.
Sandy: Yeah, Rose told me on the way down here. I'm sorry. I didn't know you were in love with him.
Ruthie: It wouldn't have made any difference.
Sandy: I don't know....I guess not.

(after Kevin gives Ruthie the box of soup labels)
Ruthie: I love you! The computer staff is going to love you! The whole school's going to love you. And Jack's gonna love me! (she leaves house)
Kevin (to Savannah): I hope not. We don't like Jack.

Ruthie (to Martin): I feel like such an idiot! How could I be so stupid? No. How could you be so stupid? I hate you!

Ruthie: So who else knows about this? My family? My whole family? Mom and Dad and Kevin and Lucy and Sam and David? And Matt and Simon and Mary? They all know? Everyone but me?
Martin: Well, I don't know about Mary, but...

Ruthie: I was thinking maybe we could be friends. We're both a little angry and heartbroken.
Sandy: Yeah, well, just be grateful that you're not angry, heartbroken, and pregnant.

Ruthie: (to Sandy) Look. People are going to talk about you and Martin, then something else will happen, and they'll talk about that and forget about you and Martin. It's true. Life is pretty much like high school.

Sandy: I'm not in love with Simon.
Ruthie: Yeah, and I'm not in love with Martin.
Sandy: This is the truth, Ruthie. There was a time when I was in love with Simon. I loved him and I wished he and I were getting married instead of him and Rose and that I was having his baby. But that time has come and gone. This is Martin's baby. Simon and Rose are in love with each other. Martin's not in love with me, and I'm not in love with him. And it's really hard to let go of all that and just deal with what's real.

Ruthie: Why did you sleep with Martin?
Sandy: I don't feel comfortable discussing that with you.
Ruthie: Well, I've been thinking about it all night. Why'd you do that?
Sandy: Sometimes, people just do that.
Ruthie: Yeah, but sometimes they have a reason.

Ruthie: I don't see you trying to be nicer to Rose.
Eric: Point taken. I'll tell you what. I'll go in there and be nice to Rose if you go and get Sandy out of the car. We've all tried and failed, and I think you can do it. Heck, what am I thinking? I'm not going to compromise with you. I'm going to go in and be nice to Rose, and you go do what you want. Do what will make you feel good about yourself on Thanksgiving.

Sam: Martins having a baby?
David: Did Martin get married?
Sam: Did he marry Meidith?
Eric: Oh boy. Let's talk. You remember Simon's friend Sandy?
David: Yeah.
Sam: We like her. She's pretty.
Eric: She is pretty and we all like her alot. The thing is Sandy'd having a baby and Martin's the father of that baby and we like him a lot too. The thing is they decided not to get married. Sometimes we people do that. Sometimes people have babies without the mommy and the daddy getting married to each other.
David: How do they do that?
Eric: They same way they would if they were married.
Sam and David : Oh

Eric: You know, Thanksgiving is a time to count your blessings and realize that no matter how much pain you're in, someone else has it much worse.
Ruthie: I don't care to feel sorry for Martin right now, if you don't mind.
Eric: Actually, I do mind.

Eric: I am grateful that Rose has come all this way to spend Thanksgiving with us. Welcome, Rose.
Annie: Yes, welcome Rose. I am grateful for this time with you so we can all get to know you better.
Lucy: I am grateful that my brother has found someone to love.
Kevin: I am grateful that Simon loves Rose.
Rose: Oh! I get it. I've never done this game before. Okay. I am grateful for me. I am grateful that I am kind, smart, and beautiful. And I am grateful that I am going to be Mrs. Simon Camden!

Martin: Sandy and me... she's pregnant Ruthie. We're having a baby.
Ruthie: I hate you!
Martin: Please don't hate me.
Ruthie: (she starts hitting him and crying) I hate you! Get out! Get out! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!
Martin: I hate me too.

Eric: Hey. How you doing?
Ruthie: How do you think I'm doing?
Eric: Well, I think you're not doing very well. I think you're feeling upset and heartbroken.
Ruthie: Very insightful.
Eric: I also think you're a little bit selfish and sarcastic.

Simon (to God as he eats a sub and watches football) I'm greatful to have found the fear of not being alone on Thanksgiving. This is great. Thank you and amen.

Meredith (to Eric): Ruthie thinks Martin and I broke up because Martin's in love with her... I don't think Ruthie knows about Sandy.

Jack: So is it true? About you and Martin?
Ruthie: Yeah.
Jack: So, you're really having Martin's baby?!
Ruthie: What?! No! Where did you hear that?

Ruthie: Martin broke up with Meredith because he loves me. Martin Brewer loves me. Finally.

Lucy (to Eric)): Well here's some news that we didn't expect. There's a rumor going around the High School that Ruthie is pregnant with Martin's baby.

Ruthie (Looking the mirror): Martin Brewer loves me...finally.

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