10x19 Secrets


Ruthie : It's old news, really. Very old news. I mean it probably doesn't even matter anymore. Remember when Matt took Sarah on their first date, and they stayed out all night, and came home with that lame cover story about how they stayed up all night talking and decided to get married?
Annie : (nodding vigorously) Yeah...
Ruthie : They were already married. (Eric's eyes widen.) They got married on their first date.
Lucy : And they told you?!
Ruthie (to Annie) : I can keep a secret. I've kept Matt's secret for years.
Rose : I remember the first time about i girl getting kissed by a boy. He had a peppermint is his mouth and the kiss was sticky. It made me not wanna kiss a boy for years.
Annie : I bet your mom gave you the book 'A Kiss in The Library'. I gave that book to Mary and Lucy and Ruthie, but unfortunatley it had the opposite effect.

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